2015年12月2日 星期三

[ 英文句型 ] 複句-表達原因跟結果的連接詞

【一般用法- 理由和結果】

1.表達原因的連接詞用 because.  交代後續結果的句子用 since/at.

The villagers was displaced because a tornado destroyed the whole village.
Since the village was destroyed, the government must help rebuild the place.

2.如果原因是某狀態(形容詞或副詞)或是數量所造成,可用 so/such...(that) 句子去表達。

The old lion was so weak that it couldn't even stand up.
It was such a weak old lion that it couldn't even stand up.
                      ↑看起來像 such...(+名詞 old lion)
The lion had so little food that it became weak.
                             ↑造成的原因(數量 little food


1. so that(為了)
He bought the tickets so that he wants date with the girl.

2. in order that (為了) 同 so that,但是為正式用語.

3. in case (萬一/預防),這個子句動詞為簡單現在/過去 或使用 should,但不可用will or would.
He lowered his voice in case  we heard him.
Take an umbrella  with you in case it rains.

4. lest (以免),很文言的連接詞,意思接近 for fear that. 這個子句動詞為原形或用 should
He lowered his voice lest we (should) hear him.


1. although (儘管)
Although he has a great job he still complains.

2. even though(儘管)
We visited the city even though this really isn't the best time to go.

3. though(儘管)
Though he was tired, he still drove car home.



1. while (這裡不是當成"當時..正在"來用,意思是"雖然...但")
In a word, while the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.

2. whereas 雖然...但
Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house.

