2015年11月18日 星期三

[ 英文句型 ] 合句-對等連結詞的使用方法


He and me are good friends, and we hang out all the time.
可拆成:He and me are good friends. / We hang out all the time.

She looks gorgeous, but has a bad temperature.

You can help by taking out the garbage or washing these dishes.

⊙so:連結 結果子句。
Ban had forgotten to bring umbrella, so he was wet thought.

⊙for:連結 原因子句。
He has a French passport, for he was born in France.

⊙nor:(也不..) 連接兩個否定句。
My Mom doesn't like her new hairstyle, nor does Dad.

  • adv.還;已經;仍然
  • He hasn't done yet.
  • conj.然而;但是 (類似but,但有更出乎意料的感覺)
 Great progress has been made, yet much still remains to be done.

⊙both A and B:強調連結的項目剛好個。
The new method is both simple and effective.

⊙not only A but also B:不只....而且還....,重點在B上。
She is not only stingy but also wicked  .

⊙either A or B:強調選項剛好個。
He is the kind of person you either love or hate.

⊙neither A nor B:既不是A也不是B。
I 'm neither as slender nor as healthy as she is.

